Speeding Up Healing And Relieving Pain With Energy Therapy

Drew Rosenblatt

What if..

Imagine a highly evolved planet of individuals who, when experiencing physical pain and health conditions, employ non-invasive, energy based health care technology to treat themselves.  A space age, hand held technology, like something out of Star Trek, that pulses gentle micro-current electric frequencies into a suffering area of the body.  Frequencies administered in conjunctive awareness to the body’s energy meridian system.  Electro-medicine technology that speeds up the body’s natural healing process, and effectively relieves pain without the use of pharmaceuticals and their side effects.  An advanced planet of radiant beings with a more complete grasp on the processes of healing and disease, no strangers to “electrical nourishment”.

Envision doctors whose understanding of medicine incorporates bio-physics, frequency, and life-force energy, able to interpret the health state of organs and the body by measuring energy points on the skin.  Treatments of conditions performed non-invasively by use of microcurrent impulses, painlessly, without any need for surgery.  A state of the art civilization that along with a focus on mind, spirit, diet, and exercise, uses energy medicine to expedite healing and alleviate pain, electromagnetically treating the sources of their ills, and not just symptoms.

Sure sounds like a far-off, utopian, silver ski suit-wearing, flying car driving society from a science fiction fantasy, doesn’t it?  But what if I told you that aside from the suits and levitating cars, this advanced society is now us, and that this futuristic energy medicine technology is available to you and me.  Would it surprise you to discover that this intelligently designed, user friendly, “Star Trek” technology is among us, and actually has been for decades?  People all around the world own and use this space-age technology, treating injuries with remarkable results by means of pulses of healing micro-current voltage.  A controlled, strategic emission of electric frequencies (not to be confused with the high intensity, unrestrained, disorganized high voltage of power lines and outlets), working in harmony with the natural electrical nerve impulses of the body.  The time has come when humanity can have their conditions treated harmlessly and efficiently with this twenty first century, space age health care technology.

So what is healing anyways?

The terms health and wholeness can be used interchangeably.  “Healing” is restoring wholeness of form or structure.  When injury occurs, the cellular structure of the body has been altered into an incomplete, disrupted state.  “Healing” is the process in which the cells of the body manufacture new cells to replace the cells that were damaged in the area of injury; a reconstruction of the body's intended architecture.  Damaged cells are not fixed, but are supplanted by brand new cells.  As a crude analogy, think of a careless tractor trailer which backed up into a brick wall, and the resulting gaping hole in the damaged wall.  The process of making the wall whole again (healing), involves cleaning up the area by removing the broken bricks, producing fresh bricks, and strategically mortaring them back into the structure.

The term “galvanotaxis” refers to the idea that electric current guides the growth of all cells.  Cells need an increase in energy to manufacture new cells.  Sometimes because of interferences such as nerve damage, toxins, nutritional scarcity, infections, or inflammations, our cells are running on 'low power' and do not have the necessary amount of current to heal/reproduce expeditiously.
 Injuries can fester if there is a lack of bio-electricity.  When injury occurs and healing needs to happen, via the nervous system, the body raises the energy at the areas of injury, and the energy fueled regenerative process is intensified.  Voltage, or the capacity to do work is sent to the site of the injury, and a super healing energy current is reached.  Boosting the “juice” to the area, at this increased level of bio-electricity there is enough energy to enable cells to power the cellular reproductive healing machinery for making new cells.  Cells are living manufacturers organized by the genetic blueprint software within the nucleus, and are powered by electric life force energy.  During the process of regeneration, the DNA/RNA mechanisms within the cells require energy, and the increase in current at the site increases production of ATP, the fuel for the cells to rev up the engines and re-generate.

If you could behold the regenerative process at the microscopic level, you would see the cells as complex living organisms who require energy to function just as much as any other life form does.  Cellular regeneration is not a bland, lifeless process, but a dazzling show of life force energy, amplified and focused by the body in a miraculous process.

As the body is designed to maintain a negative charge, the cells are in a constant state of slow renewal, and the cellular structure of organs and tissues is always being replaced.  That heart you’ve got is literally not the same heart you had eight months ago.  Living organisms’ molecular and cellular makeup is always changing, but retain the same general form under the guidance of body’s genetic architectural forces.  A “bio-field”, “morphogenetic field”, “field of life”, or “L Field” as some call it.

The bodily systems of energy flow
“We are now in the process of revising the past century’s biochemical concept, under which all major life processes are chemical in nature, to one that proposes that such processes are electromagnetic in nature.”

-Robert Becker, M.D.

The body is a miraculous system of interconnected pathways of electromagnetic energy.  Countless instantaneous electrical messages and impulses are sent by a network of trillions of cells all around the body at lightning speed, far too quickly to solely ascribe to merely being chemical reactions. Some call the energy of the body “chi”, “prana”, “atomic wind”, or “bio-electricity”, and this force is at work everywhere in and around the body.

Nerve lines are one of several of the body’s bio-electricity conductors, which in their entirety make up the nervous system.  This circulatory system for electricity consists of dense networks of fine and ever finer conductive nerve branches, transmitting current and signals all over.  The perineural nervous system is the outer sheathing of each nerve, and where the majority of the current flows.  When cells become fatigued, the body has its own way of “re-charging” the cells by sending pulses of electromagnetic energy through this wiring system.  The body’s other electrical wiring system is the acupuncture meridian system which flows about the frame in unique circuits, connecting the organs and tissues.  By measuring points on either of these two wiring systems, it is possible to diagnose the energy levels of all the organs and bodily components.

When an area of the body experiences injury, typically there is some damage to these energy conducting nerve branches.  These areas of nerve damage can “lose touch” and disconnect from the body’s total energy system, leaving them as sort of islands of depressed energy.  Some call these bio-electrically incommunicado areas “energy cysts”.  Certain energy therapies can help re-establish communication between these areas with the brain, nervous system, and the organizational forces.  Scars are visible expressions of damage to nerve connections, and are often thought to be permanent marks to be on display for the remainder of life.  Energy therapy technologies can jump start and accelerate the healing process for old scars, making them vanish without a trace after repeated treatments.

Salamanders are known for their remarkable regenerative capabilities, and it is no coincidence that these creatures happen to have a very high ratio of nerves to tissue.  This miraculous healing quality of theirs has made these animals the focus of study in the field of healing and regeneration.  Dr. Robert Becker and researcher Stephen Smith performed electrical measurements on salamanders at cut sites where appendages were detached.  They found that the damaged areas on the body became electronegative (increase of charge), and that the salamanders’ healing mechanism would concentrate electric current to the wound in order to power up the regeneration process.  When a positive electrode (voltage stealer) was placed at the salamander cut site, the healing current was re-directed away, and the limbs would not re-grow.  Conversely, when a negative electrode (voltage donor) was placed at the site, the limbs would re-grow faster.  Researcher Owen Frazee worked with salamanders as well, and found that when he applied a mild electric current through the water in the aquarium they lived in, it too sped up the regeneration process.  Researcher Elmer J. Lund claimed to have sped up the development of amphibian eggs by exposing them to mild electric currents and magnetic fields.

Plants also depend on electrical energies to live, grow, and heal.  Russian scientist A.M. Sinyukhin of Lomonosov State University in Moscow performed electrical measurements on tomato plants, and discovered that when he cut a branch off, the voltage spiked at the wound site to several times the plant’s normal bio-electricity level.  The plant knew it had to create new cells at the injury.  Taking the experiment further, Sinyukhin found that plant branches would grow back up to three times faster than normal if he applied a tiny amount of supplemental current with an electrode to the cut site.

Electro-medicine and enhancement with frequency

Electricity can kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites quickly and discerningly.  A groundbreaking study at Albert Einstein College in 1990 found that microcurrent treatments on infected blood rendered bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungal forms inert, and had no adverse effect on the body’s cellular mechanisms.  Bacteria and viruses live in the blood, but are said to collect in the lymph nodes in much greater numbers.  Doctors acting upon the findings of the Albert Einstein College study have produced some impressive results in sick patients whose blood and lymph nodes underwent low voltage electrification.  Some hypothesize that white blood cells themselves destroy bacteria by “shocking” them in their own little way.  Researcher Gary Wade showed us that microcurrent can create ultrasound frequencies in the membranes of cells that neutralize viruses and bacteria and benefit the cell.

Low voltage current stimulates the biochemical workings of cells.  As the membranes of cells are designed to hold a charge, micro-current is able to re-charge worn down cells.  Electrical stimulation has been shown to increase the protein and nutrient absorption into the cells in the electroporation process, and increase ATP production by up to five times.  Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers report dramatic improvement in their energy level with low voltage electrification of blood and lymph areas.

The ancient Romans are said to have had a medical tradition of using shocks from electric fish to bring relief to those suffering illnesses.  Fortunately, man has figured out another way to harness the electric forces of nature using magnets and conductors.  In 1812, Dr. John Birch of London successfully employed electric current to assist in healing a non-union the tibia bone.  Around that same time Italian scientist Giovanni Aldini discovered that a small supplementation of low voltage current on the nervous system calmed his asthma flare ups.

Later, in the 1950’s and 60’s, German researcher Dr. Reihnold Voll was able to verify that the traditional acupuncture points on the skin had different electrical properties than the rest of the skin.  Voll displayed how one could diagnose the state of internal organs by measuring the electrical activity of the acupuncture points associated with the organ.  He also pioneered the discovery that the healing influence of electric current can be enhanced not with the intensity, but the current’s frequency, or the signature of its flow pattern.

Energy is often thought to flow in in up and down waves, as seen displayed two dimensionally in text books.  But if you could have a three dimensional micro-scale view, you would see that it flows in a vortex, like little stretched out tornadoes of energy.  The frequency of current corresponds to the scale of the orbiting vortex, measured in Hertz, or “Hz”.  The nervous system and body respond to specific frequencies of micro-current, in particular 7.83 Hz, which happens to be the same frequency that the earth emits.

Like square and round pegs attempting to fit through a round hole, the “window phenomenon” refers to the idea that smaller forces can achieve better results than larger forces because they are in a more harmonious resonance, and fit through the “window” better.  Certain smaller electric current frequencies can be more effective than larger frequencies because of the body’s receptiveness.  Different frequencies subjected on the body will yield different results, some helpful, some ineffective, and some which are thought to be harmful such as ELF’s, or “extremely low frequencies”.

In the late 1970’s, the Russian space program was encountering the tactical dilemma of how to keep astronauts healthy and pain free while out in space for extended periods of time with extremely limited storage space, and without the use of bulky pharmaceuticals that could contaminate their recycled water supply.  Knowing that the way to heal is to encourage cellular regeneration, a team of doctors and scientists at Sochi University led by Alexander Karasev responded to the needs of the space agency by developing an electro-medicinal tool called the “Scenar”, or "self-controlled energy neuro adaptive regulator".

The Scenar became the cosmonauts' foundation for health in space, and remained a top secret technology for the next decade.  According to the Russian scientists, there are very few illnesses Scenar cannot treat or cure.  Key to the Scenar’s success is the shape of its frequency which resembles the natural neuro-impulse and imitates the signals of the nervous system, allowing the Scenar to “talk” to the body.  Unlike TENS machines and historical electrification methods, each impulse of the Scenar differs from the previous impulse, forming a sort of chatter that the body doesn’t get adapted to and ignore.

Russian doctor Yuri Gorfinkel performed extensive work on over 16,000 patients with a wide range of health issues using Scenar microcurrent therapy and compiled his results.  Dr. Gorfinkel had an 88.5 % success rate in treating almost every condition imaginable with the Scenar.  Most of the other 11.5% of those he treated had a positive response, but perhaps they simply needed more treatments, or their diet was lacking, or they were influenced by some other unknown variable.  Regardless, the success rate of Dr. Gorfinkel is unsurpassed by any other and is very worthy of mention.

A brief list of just some of the conditions the doctor had much success with: anxiety, wounds, strain to ligaments, arthritis, hearing loss, hemorrhoids, common cold, respiratory infections, pneumonia, cystitis, impotence, endometriosis, asthma (microcurrent shown to relax spasms of bronchial muscles), post-operative pain, muscle spasms, depression (electric stimulation has been shown to naturally boost serotonin levels), hypertension, insomnia, swelling/inflammation, back pain, bone fractures (speeding up union; bones are living tissue, and their cells are called “osteocytes”), burns, bacterial infections, diabetes (the insulin secreting cells in the pancreas are damaged, perhaps from a virus), kidney stones, and many more conditions not listed, including diseases of the eye, skin, nervous and endocrine systems.

Dr. Jerry Tenant of Dallas, Texas has done some remarkable healing work using a microcurrent therapeutic device modeled after the Scenar.  On one occasion there was a young girl stuck in a lengthy coma, and her caretakers and family were considering giving up and “pulling the plug”.  Fortunately Dr. Tenant was able to step in.  He took some voltage readings at acupuncture meridian points on the girl’s head and found that they were energetically low.  By simply pulsing tiny amounts of microcurrent into the energy meridian points showing low voltage, he was able to revive the girl from the coma in a relatively short period of time.

Pain and energy

An area of injury or pain is associated with a state of low voltage energy.  Pain comes from a disruption in the energy flow in the body, a break in the wholeness.  The body responds to the break in energy flow by directing healing energy back to the area of the injury to restore wholeness.  As the Scenar acts on the nerves promoting cellular regeneration, the microcurrent also has an effect of stimulating the secretion of natural pain relieving peptides.  The Scenar works with the nervous system, as opposed to many pain drugs which work by stopping the central nervous system from functioning.

Certain chronic physical and chemical disruptive causes aside, health experts assert that pain is typically an acidic condition.  Long work outs can cause pain and cramping when lactic acid builds up in the 'spent' muscles.  Acids are energy stealers, and this sapping of energy around the cells is felt as a painful sensation.  Inflammations and infections are often attributed to an energy lowering, charge-stealing acidic chemistry.  Micro-current therapies are thought to have an alkalizing effect where they are applied, raising energy and cellular oxygen levels.

For personal pain issues, I have found no better solution for relief than Scenar therapy.  For about an entire year prior to my first experience with Scenar treatment, I had been suffering a severe pain in the back of my neck.  Turning my head to the right was often painful, and my range of motion was decreased.  Even visiting a chiropractor yielded no beneficial result.  After visiting a Scenar therapist for one session on my neck, my full range of motion returned, and the pain was reduced about 95% for the next month.  I can still clearly recall the relief and exuberance I experienced from having this one single treatment.  After I was able to purchase a Scenar, with very occasional self-treatment (less than once a month), my neck pain problem has not been an issue at all, and I am pain free.

Active in sports and construction, my body is no stranger to strain and injury.  In the spring of 2011 I worked as a commercial sheet rock installer for a few months.  About a month into it, I was having some major concerns about thumb pain I was developing from all the repetitive, relentless motions of fastening the sheet rock to studs.  The pain was getting so bad that I thought I was going to have to quit.  After a little work with the Scenar on my thumb in one treatment, I was able to continue the work the very next day with absolutely no pain, and carried on without any issues.

Fast forwarding to another construction job, after twisting my ankle coming down from a ladder, I found myself painfully limping home with every little step on that foot.  I pulled out the Scenar and began applying a low dose, gentle stream of micro-current to the area that hurt the most.  I experienced instant pain relief.  After a few minutes rotating my ankle no longer hurt, and when I was done with the ten minute session I was able to gingerly walk pain free.  Working and being on my feet the next day was no problem, as if nothing had happened.  The Scenar offers the same helpfulness with the occasional twist or strain from the soccer field as well.

On another occasion, while not painful, I was experiencing muscle spasms around my eye and of my eyelid in particular for over a week, and after a ten minute session applying Scenar around the twitch, the spasm stopped.  For the occasional headache I have employed the Scenar with high success.  Aside from migraines, the chief trigger of headache pain is decreased circulation due to constriction of blood vessels.  Like a hose of flowing water that develops a fold, the increase in pressure at the obstruction can be painful.  A chief known benefit of micro-current therapy is improvement of circulation.  If you ever have the opportunity yourself to try the Scenar, use your judgment for a comfortable setting, ideally, to where you can't even feel anything at all.

“Electro-magnetism”, or “magnetic electricism”
“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create the universe.”

–Walter Russell
Magnets are magnifiers of the universal electric energy already existing around us.  A magnet is said to be anything whose parts align in the same direction for the orderly flow of energy through.  Hans Christian Oersted showed us energy in motion carries with it a magnetic field, and James Clerk Maxwell proved that electric current and magnetism are different forms of the same phenomenon called “electromagnetism”.  Every power generator has magnets working at its core.  Running current through an iron bar will make it magnetic because the electricity organizes the orientation of the iron atoms into a polar alignment.  Magnets produce electric current, and electric current produces magnets!

It should come as no great surprise that electromagnetic fields work with and govern living systems.  Electromagnetism is the force that controls the universe, from atomic bonding, to planetary orbits, to the means by which the body’s trillions of cells communicate and grow.  When the Scenar is in operation, the flowing of microcurrent produces magnetic fields around the current, making it both a donor of electrons and a force of magnetism at the same time.

Often is the case that the Scenar electrode will stick to a place on the skin like a magnet, literally, where there is an area of low energy.  Those familiar with the therapy call these spots “stickies”. Imagine moving a powerful magnet over the ground in a field where there is a steel plate buried just below the surface somewhere at random.  Moving the magnet over the field for the most part is uneventful, but when moved over the steel, it is pulled downwards!  Similarly, during a treatment you may be gliding the electrode along smoothly, but then unsuspectingly the electrode is subtly tugged and wants to stick to a spot on the skin.  There are times when the “sticky” is so strong that it feels almost like the electrode has been glued onto the spot, and takes a light effort to detach!  The spot most definitely has an irregular energy quality.  Electrons will flow more readily into an acidic, low energy medium because acids take energy, and in a sense there is more space for them to occupy.  Perhaps one way to think of it is to imagine the drain in a bath tub full of water as the sticky; when the plug is pulled, the water is forced into the void of the drain because it wants to fill the empty space.  The faster an electric current flows, the stronger the magnetic field emitted.  The “sticky” phenomenon of detecting energy anomalies in the body is quite a revolutionary property of the electro medical device.  The sticky could be an inflammation, infection, or acid build up, caused by anything from toxins to bugs to viruses, and these areas can be remedied energetically.

Researchers have found that the forces of magnetism can have a wide range of therapeutic benefits.  As electricity and magnetism are two branches of the same tree, the microcurrent and its magnetic fields have a re-vitalizing effect to low energy areas of the body.  Research has shown that giving an energy boost to plants by watering a garden with magnetized water (polarized H2O molecules have become aligned in greater order), or growing seedlings on magnetized discs, causes the plants to grow up to three times faster!  Magnetic forces can also act on particles much smaller than the molecular level such as hydrogen protons, causing a sort of excited, energetic dance.

Magnetic influences have diverse application, from improving concentration, to stimulating hormone production, to lessening stress signals sent to the brain, to integrating free flowing calcium ions into the bones.  Sometimes calcium particles can crystallize in the joints or other areas, causing obstruction and discomfort.  Electromagnetic influences have shown an ability to shepherd the calcium ions into the bone mass, and also away from where they should not be.  Magnetic fields have also been effectively used to help clear arteries of accumulated calcium and plaque as well.

In 1960, W.J. Erdman displayed how magnetic fields can increase white blood cell numbers, producing a bactericidal effect on inflammations and infections.  Magnetic fields have been shown to boost the activity of macrophages, the cellular bulldozer “big eaters” which help eliminate waste more efficiently.  These forces have also been used to speed up the growth of collagen, the fibrous structural material of the body.  One study showed that applying a magnetic field to the wrist improved blood circulation to the fingers three fold.  This increase in blood flow speeds up the process by which the body provides energy and building materials to cells, and accelerates the collection and elimination of toxins, processes which are foundational to healing.

Proper circulation for cellular healing processes and elimination

The dense networks of tiny capillaries are really where the blood flow action is.  They are too numerous to be counted, and some capillaries are only the width of a single red blood cell!  If the blood doesn’t flow fast enough through these networks, it consequently will slow down cellular healing processes.  If the construction workers can’t get to the job site because of a traffic back up, the job at the building site is going to be delayed.  A vast array of health conditions and deteriorations are associated with poor circulation.

Healing an injury involves reducing and eliminating the damaged cells and building new cells.  When circulation is improved, the capillaries are moving larger volumes of blood into and out of the injury zone, delivering more oxygen fuel for cells and tissues, causing the regeneration process to go into a higher gear.  A benefit of Scenar and other magnetic therapies is the immediate increase of circulation to the area being treated.  The gentle micro-current and its magnetic field helps dilate the walls of capillaries and blood vessels allowing for rapid flushing of wastes out, and speeding up the availability of raw material nutrients as the “building blocks” for the new cells.  Because Scenar treatment speeds up the rate at which nutrients move in and waste moves out of a particular area, the new cells can be built more readily, and thus the body heals faster.  Unimpeded by “traffic jams” to the construction job site, the workers and delivery drivers are busy, buzzing diligently at their work.  With the improved supply of blood volume, nutrient materials, specialized cellular repair forces, and faster waste export, healing truly is sped up.

As previously stated, areas of poor circulation may not be receiving enough oxygen. When circulation improves, the improved flow of oxygen increases cellular activity and re-invigorates the body.  Bringing oxygen to a place of inflammation is a common way to fight infections.  Many of the inflammation causing microscopic critters in the body are anaerobic and cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment.

Dr. Linus Pauling displayed that when magnetized, the iron in the blood becomes an extremely efficient carrier of energy, increasing the internal metabolism of cells.  When magnetized, red blood cells align into a more ordered assembly, and are able to carry more oxygen to the cells because of an increase in their surface area.  When experiencing fatigue, the loss of charge in the cells can cause them to lump together.  As like charges repel, cell membranes are designed to have a negative charge so they will repel one another, causing less clustering together.  When their membranes are electronegative, and they are aligned with a proper distance between one another, they become more efficient as there is more surface area for them to carry oxygen in and waste out.

Also known as the “Zeta Potential”, blood and bodily fluids must have enough of an electronegative charge to keep cells and particles suspended in proper working arrangements.  If there is not enough charge, these cells and particles cluster together.  Imagine a group of hundreds of people pushed in close together so they form a large cohesive cluster, each with no personal space.  How much work do you think they could perform?  How difficult would you imagine moving to their destination would be?  What if every one of them had a little elbow room, and they happened to be aligned in the same direction like a marching troop formation. 
They would be able to carry more, and move more efficiently.   Studies on blood cells undergoing microcurrent therapy showed an increase in Zeta Potential charge, allowing for less “sludge” and better flow.

pH, voltage, and oxygen availability

We often hear of the importance of pH, and maintaining the proper acid/alkaline balance for a healthy body chemistry.  In the unification of chemistry with physics, another way of saying the chemical terms "alkaline" and "acid", is "electricity donor" and "electricity stealer".  An acid denotes a substance that takes electric energy and literally will steal the charge from its surroundings.  "Alkaline" denotes a substance that contributes a charge, or electric energy.  Alkaline environments are swarming with energy, whereas acidic environments are not electrically "buzzing".  Potential of hydrogen, or “pH” and voltage are very closely related concepts, and in fact are different expressions of the same idea.

The amount of oxygen present in water is determined by the pH value, or the amount of voltage of the water.  In other words, the higher the voltage/pH of water, the more oxygen it contains.  The human body is around seventy plus percent water, so the body’s voltage level and oxygen content correlate the same.  When the bio-electric energy level of an individual increases, their chemistry becomes more alkaline, and they have more oxygen present in the body.  They are likely to be healthy and energetic.

When the voltage of an aqueous solution drops, the pH levels decrease, and the solution become more acidic.   In turn, oxygen levels will drop.  If the bio-electric energy of an individual is lowered, oxygen levels are also lowered, and greater is the likeliness for an illness to manifest.  Fungi and bacteria grow in low voltage, low oxygen environments.  Many of the microscopic pests are dormant until there is a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the environment to the point where they can start colonizing.  Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer grows in acidic, low voltage mediums, but cannot exist in an alkaline, high voltage, high oxygen environment.  When Dr. Keith Brewer lowered the voltage in a culture of cells in a petri dish, the formerly healthy cells became infected with cancer.  When there’s not enough voltage and oxygen present, infections and problems can arise.

Italian oncologist Dr. Tulio Simoncini has been treating cancer with great success with sodium bicarbonate, also known as the inexpensive staple to every kitchen, baking soda.  Simoncini is adamant that cancer is a fungal/yeast overgrowth, which many presume to be the product of a devitalized body chemistry.  It ought to be noted that yeast and other anaerobic fungal forms feed on sugar, as displayed in the natural process of fermentation.  Dr. Simoncini's success with baking soda can be explained by its highly alkaline pH, which creates an atmosphere that is rich in electric energy which cancerous tumors can not live in.

Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom of Sweden has taken great strides in the fight against cancer by inserting platinum electrodes into tumors and switching on a little bit of electric current to pass through the tumor.  Nordenstrom came up with the term "biologically closed circuits", and has pioneered research into the body as an electrical entity, and given insights into the nature of just how electricity controls bodily functions.  

Another pioneer in treating cancer energetically is Royal Raymond Rife, who was able to identify the electric frequency of cancers, viruses, and pathogens, and equipped with the knowledge of these critters' frequency, was able to "shake them to death" with a specifically tuned energy pattern that resonated with the pathogen.  Rife broke ground and did some extremely remarkable work worth checking out.

While some doctors and healers seem to have great success in treating cancerous tumors with electro-medicine, some caution ought to be taken when employing microcurrent therapy.  If the tumor has become large and reached a certain metastatic stage where it sort of takes on a life of its own, it is said by Scenar therapists that the way to treat is to work around the tumor, as opposed to directly on it.

In addition to a focus on body chemistry and maintaining that electro-negative, slightly alkaline bodily pH, other promising cancer treatments are hemp oil and laetrile.  Rick Simpson is the hemp oil pioneer who treated his own skin cancer by applying a bit of the oil extract of the cannabis plant on the site of the irritation.  In just a few weeks time his skin cancer vanished. He has been helping many of his fellow man by sharing this information.  Also, eating a diet with a moderate amount of laetrile (vitamin B-17) is said to be very helpful in combating cancer.  This compound is found naturally in the seeds of many fruits, in particular of the apple and apricot.

Reading your energy levels – Scenar as a body volt-meter

The Scenar has some cool features aside from its microcurrent therapy capability.  The device has an energy diagnostic capability from the feedback feature called “Dose”, providing a means to “listen” to the body and read bio-electricity levels.  The Dose mode of Scenar turns the device into an energy sensor, a body voltmeter that can tell you where there are areas of imbalanced bio-electric energy.  In this mode the Scenar is switched into a program that causes indicator lights to flash and a beeping sound is activated to let you know that it is in contact with an area of abnormal energy.  If there are any areas of pain in your body, chances are that while in Dose the Scenar is going to beep and light up when the electrode is applied there.  Sometimes the electrode comes across an area that may have been a trouble area in the past that has been forgotten about, causing the indicator to light up and beep, triggering an “oh yeah, that’s where such and such occurred!” moment.  It is typical for the Scenar to beep and light up on old scars.  The “stickies” are also detected in Dose mode.

It’s not red alert when the Scenar lights up and beeps on areas of abnormal energy.  As mentioned before, lactic acid can build up in your muscles, often the cause of benign cramping and pain which may trigger the sensor on Dose.  If an individual has consistently low voltage readings across the entire body, aside from microcurrent supplementation, you can make some energy corrections by other means as is discussed later.

Circuits of life-force energy

Learning Scenar is as easy as simply placing it where it hurts and letting it do its work.  It can also be as involving as taking energy measurement readings of individual vertebrae and acupuncture circuit points to make a diagnosis of energy levels of meridians and organs.  To have continued flow of current, you need a circuit. Each organ’s “wiring system”, or acupuncture meridian line, runs from within to the outer regions of the body forming a run.  Truly a remarkable expression of our Creator’s craftsmanship, each organ is wired to a specific individual vertebra.  For example, the lung meridian connects to vertebra T3, and then runs from the lung up to the shoulder, down the inside of the arm and out to the thumb.  Each different finger has a different organ wired to it.  The inherent continuity indicates that the detection on the spine of a weakened circuit could mean an energy interference to an organ wired to its circuit.

The most accessible area to the body’s wiring system is the spine, or the body’s “bio-electricity circuit board”.  It is the hub of the nervous system and the internal wiring, and one of the most strategic places to access organ circuits with the gentle microcurrent therapy.  It has been shown that even simple pressure applied on nerve line can impede the electrical activity of the circuit.  Reflecting on how the spine is the wiring hub having heaps of nerve branches coiled up around it, it becomes clear why spinal misalignments can possibly impede energy flow through the nervous system.  This could explain why chiropractic care can at times be effective in restoring energy flow, freeing up any impedance caused by cramped wiring.

The source of a weakened organ reading doesn’t have to originate from the organ itself.  Conditions may have their root cause in areas that are non-local to a dis-eased, irritated area.  An infection one place could devitalize the energy circuit that this location is wired into.  Hypothetically, a case of arthritis in the knee could be the result of a weakened energy circuit that the knee is connected to, where the source of the initial irritant may be an inflamed intestine.  An eye problem could have a local disruption as the cause of the eye’s weakened vitality, but it could also be due to the eye circuit being weakened at another point.

Interestingly, irritations to energy circuits can come from the unsuspecting area in the mouth of the teeth.  Like the vertebra of the spine, the teeth are all wired individually to a circuit that runs throughout the rest of the body.  The importance of dental hygiene can never be overstated, as an infection of a tooth is very serious business for the whole body.  The microscopic fungal/bacterial forms that grow and live on the teeth and gums are very nasty organisms that secrete very powerful digestive enzymes called glyotoxins and thioethers, which are their means of chemically consuming the dense teeth.  These destructive enzymes can get in the bloodstream and damage other vulnerable tissues throughout the body, and have a direct impact on the energy circuit they are tied into.  Root canals where nerve infections are sealed in and allowed to fester in the tooth can be suspect in some cases of circuit disruption.  These can be remedied energetically, such as with a dental microcurrent electrode probe attachment.

When performing Scenar therapy

When using the Scenar, the microcurrent should be at a comfortable level, set to just below where you can start to feel a tiny tingle, so that it is not really felt.  Even if you can’t feel the microcurrent from the electrode, it is still doing its job.  Setting it at too powerful of a setting is not recommended.  The motion of the Scenar during treatments usually consists of repeated one directional sweeping movements on trouble areas.  As moving magnetic fields are said to work better than stationary, the recommendation is to treat using the “rule of the cross”, making top to bottom, bottom to top, and side to side movements on trouble spots, and then to treat in the direction that gives the most resistance.  As you move the Scenar across an area, at times the resistance can feel like a tough uphill push, but then after a minute or so of treatment, the resistance and stickiness lessens.  It is recommended to stop treatment when the change of resistance is detected, as the body's own forces continue the work.

As you are moving the electrode over the skin you should be looking for differences of color that pre-exist or appear, normally a reddish or pale spot, as they are indicators of an abnormal energy level.  The reddish spots are said to be inflamed areas, and the pale spots indicate a degenerative condition.  You should also be listening for irregularities in the sound of the electrode.  Take note of spots that have changes in sensitivity.  It is typical during a treatment that the electrode moves around comfortably, but for there to be one small spot where the micro-current tingle is felt more intensely.  This is a point of abnormal energy.  When treating this area, reset the output level of the Scenar to a more comfortable setting.  The opposite can be typical as well, where the user experiences a re-gaining of sensitivity to an area on the body that was previously numb to the sensation of the micro-current.  It is quite the experience to re-gain sensitivity by electro-medicine in a matter of seconds!  If you experience either one of these “asymmetries”, focus on these spots until you detect a change in perception or the return of the red or pale coloration to normal.

Further educational training is available, but if you own a Scenar you should also have the user’s guide book that explains the basics.  You should not use Scenar if you have a pacemaker!  It is important to have avoided alcohol twenty four hours prior treatment.  Some doctors suggest refraining from caffeine and nicotine beforehand, and one’s system should be free of pain killers before using for maximum sensory feedback.  One thing to remember is sometimes you need to be patient with the treatment.  Some electromagnetic therapy treatments can take up to a month for a patient to experience a benefit, particularly if the condition has persisted for a considerable length of time.  Also of note, it is possible for what is labeled a “healing crisis” to occur, which is when there can be discomfort or nausea experienced because the body is expelling toxic wastes too quickly.

Sphenoid correction with “Little Wings” treatment method

Sometimes pain, body asymmetry, and mental stress can come from somewhere that is quite often overlooked as inconsequential.  The human head has been likened to a bowling ball in weight and approximate size.   The term "bowling ball syndrome" was given for problems arising from this ever present, downward pushing weight onto an improperly aligned skeletal structure.

The bones of the skull apparently are not immobile as was previously believed.  The "butterfly" shaped sphenoid cranial bone is the equivalent to the "keystone" top stone of a stone arch, however the arch of cranial bones is upside down, with the weight of the head resting upon the sphenoid.  If an arch's keystone shifts, the whole arch will also experience a change in position.  So it is with the sphenoid and the center of gravity of the head, which can affect the position of rest of the body structure.  Injury or other reasons can make the sphenoid to shift out of place, causing a disturbance that can eventually manifest in the entire body structure.  It seems the lower body compensates for this misalignment at the top “keystone”, and the effects can range from increased ear infections due to the pressure on the ear canal, all the way to a rotated pelvis.

The cranio-sacral pump works to replenish the nervous system by circulating cerebral spinal fluid, and can be interfered with by a misaligned sphenoid.  A disruption to this process can cause much bodily stress as it disrupts the nervous system.  Check to see that the cranio-sacral pump is working by looking for these swaying motions when the individual is standing with eyes shut.  When a person’s pump is functioning correctly, there should be a noticeable back and forth, slow swaying motion when they stand still with eyes closed, completing a sway cycle about every six seconds or so.  If someone does not exhibit the back and forth swaying, it could be because their cranio-sacral pump is being obstructed by a dislocated sphenoid.

In this particular case with Dr. Tenant, a woman experiencing pain has her "ears on crooked", and her shoulders, and hips are out of level, all presumably due to the sphenoid.  Dr. Tennant performed the revolutionary “Little Wings” treatment, a non-invasive corrective procedure to solve the problem.  Little Wings works by pulsing microcurrent into the neck region of the trapezius muscles, which are connected to the sphenoid bone.

The microcurrent stimulates these muscles to pull and set the sphenoid bone back into alignment, shifting the “keystone” of the human cranial arch back into its proper place.  After this treatment, the woman’s body asymmetries are almost immediately corrected, her pain vanished, and her autonomic nervous system was restored by switching her cranio-sacral pump back on, as seen by her improved involuntary swaying motions.  Whoever discovered the innovative Little Wings procedure deserves a prestigious award.

Electromagnetic-nutritional approach, and other energy level determining factors

Supplementing the body with microcurrent is likely to be of little gain without good nutrition.  Even if construction workers have all the energy in the world to work, they are unable to perform repairs without the correct building materials.  The same applies to your body’s cells.  Healing requires re-balancing voltage (the capacity to do work) and providing the necessary raw materials.

Research keeps emerging about how good marine plant food sources such as phytoplankton, chlorella, spirulina, and algae are for us.  These food sources are said to contain every single nutrient that cells need to manufacture new cells.  Kelp is high in iodine, important for thyroid function and the immune system.

Healthy fats are essential for the maintenance of the fatty membrane of cells.  These membranes act as the "battery" for the cell, holding the charge in this phospholipid bilayer, which is made of fat.  Some fats are very healthy and do not contribute towards weight gain.  Believe it or not, high saturated fat content from foods like eggs, which some nutritionists call the “perfect” food, butter, and coconut oil are becoming more commonly accepted as beneficial fats for raising metabolic energy.  In what some call the “French Paradox”, somewhat counter-intuitively, a diet rich in these natural saturated fats can promote weight loss and health.  All the omega fats are very important, and with flax being very good in this regard, hemp seed oil contains the perfect ratio of omega 3, 6, and 9 fats for human dietary needs.

While reflecting on the voltage storing capacity of fats, it is of paramount importance to eliminate unhealthy fats that when ingested, will rob the body of voltage energy.  Consuming hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated fats is one of the worst things someone can do if they are trying to heal, increase their energy levels, or lose weight.  Commonly known as “plastic fats”, these interrupt the voltage storing ability of the cells, turning their membranes into dead batteries essentially.  Canola or “rapeseed” oil has never historically used for consumption, and has been documented to cause problems.

Heavy metals like mercury and lead are toxic to the body and drain it of energy.  Think again before getting your next shot as many vaccines contain mercury.  There are many other sound reasons to avoid vaccines, but that's another story.  Also to be avoided is the fluoride added to tap water.  Fluoride is an energy stealer and has an eerie ability to displace iodine in the body due to its very similar electron configuration.  This is problematic for the thyroid gland, a prime regulator of the body’s metabolic energy, and pioneering doctors blame fluoride as a partial factor for obesity and hypothyroid epidemics.

Another ingredient common to the processed diet that should be avoided as much as possible is the phosphoric acid found in many soft drinks.  This is a strong acid that the body has a difficult time metabolizing, and when consumed, the body will actually extract alkaline minerals such as calcium from the bones to balance its pH.  This response can leave the bones in a brittle, weakened state.  Weak acids such as citric acid found in lemons and other fruit are easily metabolized by the body, and counter-intuitively, can have an alkalizing effect after digestion due to the high mineral content of these fruits.

Maintaining an alkaline body chemistry is achievable by consuming more alkaline reacting foods than acidic.  Understanding that acid means energy drainer and alkaline means energy contributor, we can discern between the foods we eat as energy contributors or energy drainers.  Eating a diet rich in alkaline foods will replenish the body’s bio-electricity supply, making voltage energy available to its working members.  Simply stated, eat a lot more fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.  Try to keep a large bowl of salad in the fridge at all times to snack on.  A varied diet rich in fresh organic fruits and vegetables is the common sense, no brainer approach to an ideal body chemistry.  Organic moringa, spinach, and kelp have some of the highest nutrient contents available of all foods.  Ginseng root, black strap molasses, and alfalfa are but a few of many other food sources also containing a high quantity of alkaline minerals.  Also, ingestion of fresh juices or blended smoothies is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Exercising helps to re-build the body’s bio-electric supply in a neat way that you may not have ever learned.  Known as the piezoelectric effect, if you squeeze a crystal with enough force, because of its molecular lattice structure, the crystal emits electrical energy.  It turns out that muscles and other tissues have a micro-crystalline structure, and display a piezoelectric quality as well.  Think of the squeezed, stressed crystal, and then think of the straining, sweating weight lifter.  When being exercised, muscles are able to re-charge surrounding cells with the piezoelectric power generated from the pressure of the contractions!  Could this additional self-generated energy in the muscles subsidize muscle growth?

There are many other avenues for replenishing body bio-electricity.  As mentioned before, plants watered with magnetized water are able to grow much faster.  Drinking magnetized or alkaline water (water with an electric charge) can raise the body’s energy and promote healing.  It is possible to purchase machines called “water ionizers” that convert everyday water into alkaline water.  

The sun is the source of all life on earth, and has been unduly vilified!  As sunlight is packed with electromagnetic energy, it too has an energy raising ability with moderate exposure.  If you look at geographic cancer statistics, cancer rates increase the further you move away from the sunlight drenched equator.  

Physical contact such as hugging and holding hands with your significant other or petting your dog or cat can contribute towards increased bio-electric levels.  Shoe-less, conductive contact with the earth, also known as “earthing” will literally impart the earth’s healing energy through the body.  Harmonious sounds and tones are also packed with electric energy.

And last but not least, thoughts are crucial towards healing.  A fearful, negative, unforgiving mindset will steal the energy from an individual.  Meditation, faith, and spiritual development promote the healing peace that surpasses understanding.  Some call it a sort of internal zero-point energy.  Becoming still to allow for the flow of this universal God energy.  However, I like to think of the experiencing of inner excitement, loving what you do, and a grateful, joyful mindset as suppliers of real “mental cold fusion” energy.  The electromagnetic energy of consciousness.  One of the best medicines of course is good-natured laughter.  An attitude of gratitude, appreciation, love for God, others, and self, has a way of blasting replenishing energy throughout the body and our “bio-fields”.